Lightened Hands

Become healthy physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually

We’re Here To Serve You


At Lightened Hands Healing, we want you to feel better the natural way. It is our desire for you to be healthy, healed and whole through using spiritual healing modalities that are combined with healing techniques and practices including mediation and prayer through movement. We currently are accepting appointments for the following services:

Phyllis Giarraffa

Hello And Welcome

Phyllis has been called an ecumenical author with an inner faith approach and mystic who has answered her calling by God to be an instrument of divine healing.
Phyllis Giarraffa was raised in Brooklyn, NY. She has a Bachelor’s in Nursing with a Masters in Psychiatric Nursing and Community Nursing at the Medical College of Georgia. She completed her Post Masters at UNC-Chapel Hill as a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.
Finally, she attended the University of Montserrat Arts, Science, and Technology, receiving both MD and MBBS. Phyllis is a Reiki Master with a professional background in psychiatry as a Nurse Practitioner and has been a nurse for over 35 years.
She continues to work as a Nurse Practitioner for the state psychiatric hospital in Georgia. She has written “Discover Your Power to Heal”, the story of her own healing gift and assisting others to become healthy physically, emotionally, and spiritually, “The Life of Mary – Chosen and Blessed Among Women” about the life of the Mother Mary, “Mystical Appearances of Mary Around the World”, and “The True Essence of Mary Magdalene”. She’s also created the workbook “The Two Chosen Women Named Mary.”
Phyllis has been chosen by God to be an instrument of divine healing. Many people have experienced permanent healing as long as it aligned with God’s will and HIs perfect timing.

Divine Healing

Divine Healing

Phyllis has been called an ecumenical author with an inner faith approach and mystic who has answered her calling by God to be an instrument of divine healing.  She can assist others to access their own divine spiritual connection. People may come to be healed but she encourages others to utilize their own spiritual gifts as well since we are all children of God. She teaches others to trust and surrender to this Power of God within who exists beyond sense of oneself. This healing can produce miracles for people as it is unconditional love made manifest in the world.

Counseling Services

Counseling Services

Phyllis offers counseling services as a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner but without medication management. We strive to improve the quality of life for people of  by providing accessible & expert counseling services that promote mental, emotional, and social well-being.
Meditation and Breath

Meditation / Breath

At lightened hands healing we recommend Meditation and the use of yogic breathing techniques to assist others with their stress to allow them to feel the benefits of slow breathing.
There are many health benefits to gaining control over your breath from breathing slow and exhaling completely and can increase your physical and mental relaxation.
Lungs being more effectively emptied out while prolonging your exhalation releases the stale excess air.
Dances of Universal Peace

Dances of Universal Peace

The Dances of Universal Peace are spiritual practices that uses singing and dancing the sacred phrases of the world’s religions. The primary focus is to assist individuals in raising their consciousness and to promote peace. The combination of chants from many world religions with dancing, whirling and movements with singing. A wide range of languages are employed to demonstrate how joy lives at the heart of every religion.

Reiki Sessions and Certifications

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy healing technique or alternative medicine that can promote healing and stress reduction by laying on of hands. It has assisted many to relax and for others is a spiritual experience as they let go of their physical and mental concerns.

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

Phyllis is available for speaking engagements in  church settings or professional settings – using her book Discover Your Power to Heal. She can assist medical professionals, social  workers, or counselors in understanding the importance of self healing so that they can assist their clients in their healing journey.

Phyllis offers a small range of books she has written.

Schedule A Lightened Hands Healing Session Today